The early years of Meridies

May Tourney 1986 (A.S. 21)

Click on the thumbnail to see the large image

lord, Sir Harald, Duke Sir John, the Mad Celt lord, Duke Sir John, and Sir Harald Sir Gwyddion, Lady Sabrina, Mad Dog, Lord Conrad Lord Devin and Lady Starren Mistress Godalind of Windemere
Mistress Godalind of Windemere Duke Sir Olaf and Sir Gwyddion Duke Sir Olaf and Sir Gwyddion Lord Valerian Duke Sir Olaf and Sir Gwyddion
Duke Sir Olaf, lord, Lord Goldmund and Lord Devin Duke Sir Olaf fighting lord Duke Sir Olaf, lord, Lord Goldmund and Lord Devin Devin, Duke Sir Olaf and lord combat51
Duke Sir Olaf combat52 Lord Goldmund of Aragon Lijsbeth Tijsz Van Brugge combat53
Duke Sir Olaf Sabrina Duke Sir Olaf Duke Sir Olaf and Sir Gwyddion Duke Sir Olaf and Sir Gwyddion

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Last updated: 2 October 2004

corrections, identifications, comments to Lady Jerusha Kilgore (mka Susan Farmer)